Backpack Project
About this Cause
It’s hard for us to imagine how $10 for a backpack of school supplies can make such a difference in someone’s life. We often take our education for granted and can’t imagine living where illiteracy is #1 in the world and where some children, like 12 year old Jayanti, take their own lives because their parents can’t afford even 16 cents for one pencil and notebook that would be in this backpack. We are seeking to end such desperation. We are seeking to increase the odds of getting an education and getting out of a life of poverty. The backpack is filled with a year’s worth of school supplies and is distributed in areas where we have trusted partners who care about the people in need. They are reaching out to these children and their families with the love of Christ… a love that reaches to the neediest among us. Please join us in our longest running project and bring hope to the hopeless.
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