Birthday Backpack Burn

Megan Gilbertson / Backpack Project

As I approach another year alive, I wanted to celebrate by doing something that brings me life-at a place that brought me back to living a full, meaningful existence. I’m leading an Orangetheory workout where all donations will go towards the backpack project through Hope Venture. For just $15, our Backpack Project provides a year’s worth of school supplies to a needy boy or girl in India or Bangladesh. The supplies are purchased from local vendors, assisting even more locals and avoiding shipping costs. Lastly, all the backpacks are distributed through local pastors and leaders who have ongoing involvement in these kids’ lives, caring for the families and showing them a love that often they have never experienced before. Whether you take an Orangetheory Class every day or have never been there, EVERYONE is welcome. If possible, I’d love a minimum donation of $20, or if that is too steep, anything is a blessing, so that we can literally change as many kid’s lives as possible. You can sign up through reaching out to me or signing up at the studio and donations here through the link provided. Post class, I will have my famous pumpkin muffins and all the healthy-ish cookies to refuel after an awesome workout. If you’re unable to attend, and would still like to donate, that would be AMAZING!! You can use the link included and I will be in touch to thank you for your gift in blessing others. Any questions at all, please reach out. Let’s do a brave, strong, generous and mind blowing thing together!❤️
  • $1,040


  • $1,000


  • 17


  • 0

    Days Remaining

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About Birthday Backpack Burn

This is a fundraiser for The Hope Venture backpack project. Click here to read more about this project: